1. Select Settings > General > VPN
2. Press Add VPN Configuration > Enter the Type menu, choose L2TP
3. When you enter the Description text box, you will need to insert a name for your VPN connection i.e. VPN24.me L2TP
4. Once you are in theÂ
Server text box, you will need to add the Domain for the location/server to which you want to connect, and which is a part of the
server list
5. Visit the Account region and choose the server login
6. Modify the RSA SecurID option and choose OFF.
7. Insert the Password text box, include the server password
8. You will have a Secret box, here you can add the PSK (pre-shared key).
9. Change the Send All Traffic option to ON.
10. In the case of the Proxy option, select OFF and then you can press Done.
How to connect?
1. Enter the iOS device, press Settings > General > VPN.
2. Choose the VPN24.me L2TP or you can use your profile name depending on the situation
3. Change the Status button and make sure it says Connecting.